狗不理 起源

History of Goubuli

“狗不理”始創于一八五八年,當時天津武清縣有一戶農家,四十歲喜得貴子,為求平安,取乳名叫“狗子”。狗子長到十四歲時,開始學手藝, 在一家蒸食鋪做小夥計。他發明了水餡、半發麵的工藝,製作的包子口感柔軟、鮮香不膩,包子外表如同一朵白菊花,色、香、味、形獨具特色。吸引十里百里的人們都前來吃包子,狗子忙得顧不上說話,吃包子的人們都說“狗子賣包子不理人”。這樣,天長日久,人們就叫他“狗不理”了。

The culinary legacy of Goubuli began in 1858 by the establishment of its first outlet in Tianjin, China. The legendary Goubuli Baozi was invented by Gouzi using half leaven dough, richly flavoured meat and a delicious soupy filling. Each Baozi is elegantly handmade with 18-fold Chrysanthemum Crown and steamed to perfection. The famous Baozi attracted patrons from all over China and business was soon doing so well that Gouzi became too busy to engage in small talk and people started calling him Goubuli (which means dog ignores). Hence the name Goubuli was born.

狗不理 加拿大

Goubuli Canada

2016年,“狗不理”漂洋過海來到了加拿大,第一間門店落戶在華人社區Richmond Hill,爲了讓海外鄉親品嘗到正宗的“狗不理”包子,總店派遣中國非物質文化遺產持有人“狗不理”第七代傳人親自主理。“狗不理”除了每日提供各式正宗現做包子外,還有北方正宗料理和聞名四海的天津小吃供海外鄉親品嘗。

In 2016, Goubuli has finally landed in Canada with its first store in Richmond Hill. The 7th successor of Goubuli, also one of the holders of China’s intangible cultural heritage, is in store to ensure originality and the exquisite tasting experience of Goubuli Baozi made onsite, fresh to order. We also offer traditional Northern cuisine and renowned Tianjin snacks to go along with our signature dishes.


Richmond Hill

“狗不理”漂洋過海來到了加拿大,第一間門店落戶在華人社區Richmond Hill,爲了讓海外鄉親品嘗到正宗的“狗不理”包子,總店派遣中國非物質文化遺產持有人“狗不理”第七代傳人親自主理。




  • 4b - 7080 Warden Ave., Markham, ON L3R 5Y2
    Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3B1

    google map
